Where the Rubber Meets the Road

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In 1478, DaVinci invented the first self propelled car, even though nobody actually made one, it remained a sketch on paper, almost 300 years later in 1769, Cugnot built the first road vehicle in France as a tractor for the French army and it moved at a whopping 2.5 miles per hour; 20 years later Oliver Evans gets a patent for a steam-powered vehicle, in 1801, Trevithick, a brit, builds a steam carriage considered the first tramway locomotive designed to be used outside of the railroad. In 1807, Rivaz, a Swiss, invents an internal combustion engine running on a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen and designs a car for the engine but no success. 1832, Anderson invents a crude electric carriage in Scotland, 1863 Jean-Joseph-Etienne builds the horseless carriage and his engine is finally efficient enough to burn fuel inside a piston chamber. in 1870, almost 400 after Davinci, Hock builds an internal combustion gas engine, in 1879 Baldwin files a patent for an automobile, and in 1885 Karl Benz builds the first true gas-powered automobile. I skipped a bunch of in betweens, not because they’re not important, but no matter how many people I name, the nameless people who lined the roads with bloody bodies in the pursuit of changing the world so we could enjoy the car we enjoy today are just that: nameless … and I can guarantee you that there are a lot more nameless people than the ones we named. Interestingly enough, Americans are the ones that focused on patenting.

I have been waiting to go visit my family in Utah because Delta Airlines’ direct flight from PVR to SLC is so expensive, i’ve seen it as low as 200, and as high as 2000 this year, and it has always made me curious what it is that sets the price, and I’m quite convinced it’s an algorithm somewhere. No problem with that, we love algos. But here’s the funny part of this story. Check this out:

Now look at the actual reservation (by the way, if anyone needs a cheap seat from SLC to LAS on the 21st … I think they may have a no-show.

If I booked the exact same flight as a leg to Las Vegas, requiring me an additional flight, the price dropped to 259 including all the extra fees … the actual base fare was 144.00 compared to a base fare of 899.00!
So I called customer service and I said, can you just cancel the 2nd leg of my flight, and ill get off in Salt Lake City, and she said no, we can’t do that. Can you honor the same price and just give me the salt lake flight for the same amount? No sir, I cannot do that either, the system won’t let me — we both know it’s a computer with an over-ride that a supervisor can authorize. Ok, so if I just get off in Salt Lake what happens? No sir, you cannot. Oh yea? Is it illegal? How many times have you made me miss my continuing flight and you smiled at me while you made me wait? Well, Sir, it’s not illegal, but we do not recommend it. Hmmm, i wonder what the WildMonkey will do?
This is exactly why we want freedom from the airlines and control of our own lives! Ha Ha … Dramatic? Maybe, but Oh so real. I hope someone from Delta reads this and gets embarrassed enough to show the CEO.
Elongate! Sorry i just had to borrow it … but it gets better … who’s Elongate’s Deepthroat? Oh my this post just went x-rated (for those of you too young to remember, Deepthroat was the “leak” in the Watergate scandals) and it was poetic justice that DeepThroat was Felt! No seriously, DeepThroat’s last name was “Felt”. OMG I better stop
Let’s start paving the roads degens!